The tear jar piece symbolises the sorrows of life and being real. It speaks of Intense emotions, sadness, loss, promise, hope; I have created a handful of artwork with crying individuals. Sometimes the reasons are obvious, for example if they are in a situation of peril. Occasionally like ‘The Tear Jar’ piece it isn’t so obvious.
If I take it to a personal level I don’t always cry in public. Most of the time in my adult life. I take my tears elsewhere, and it would be a lovely idea that the most precious tear filled moments could be remembered with a tear jar. If I expand on it a little more I don’t know if they already exist in some cultures. I do remember a depiction in a film about the roman emperor Nero saving the tear he cried for a close friend in a little vile.
Anyways this art piece is specifically about storing tears, obviously precious on some level. Do they ever dry out? Do they have a lovely aroma or are off putting to the nasal passage.
Either way my little character looks very determined to keep on saving them. That is not a small jar she is holding.
I still have to tweak some areas before its finished finally. I will try and tell the back story for another piece tomorrow.