Hi folks, I wanted to start catching you up here on my website about what else I have been getting up to of late.
I am really enjoying building my YouTube channel. On there I get to share more on my studio practice, ideas and inspirations.
I can store classes like the one I have available here on my channel : link: https://beatriceajayi.com/product/digital-download-pdf-bothy-across-the-stream-12-x-12-inches/
I also have tidbits on my trips to the ‘Scottish Design Exchange’ a non profit here in Glasgow that I rent a space in for selling my work. I take you along with me to see my other products in a retail environment. Where customers get to engage with my art and merchandise in a lovely shop. Link: https://youtu.be/9liGpvuJ7mM
I love painting and sharing with you all. I want all my creative space, here on my website or my YouTube channel to be interactive and accessible.
Link to: real-time painting of hero boy https://youtu.be/Itzvxp13B5o
Please do ask me any questions you have. Link to my available art studio shares on my art practice, on YouTube. Subscribe to keep updated on new videos and news. I hope I can share what I know and learn from you also. Checkout my ‘Wednesday Live Creative Sessions’ Link https://www.youtube.com/live/tDaDalag81k?feature=share I use different mediums, acrylic, oils, inks and collage and more…in a range of subjects from Abstract, landscapes and illustration painting.
Also you can book a one to one tutoring or online class from me here if you want to get more details https://beatriceajayi.com/product/customer-request-tropical-fish-painting-deposit/