[kad_youtube url=“https://youtu.be/GYczmpdgEjY” width=600 ]
[kad_youtube url=“https://youtu.be/GYczmpdgEjY” width=600 ]
Hi! Everyone, the blog for today shows my latest approach to my work. I have been using Mixed Media collage techniques to bring about a loosening in my creative art process. I get hung up on the colours I should use. This approach allows me to work small scale which allows for creating multiple pieces very quickly and I am also able to assess my process more intimately, from above. You can see the process on my YouTube channel, link here,https://youtu.be/Wo_eHUpmMRM
I used the following tools:
Watercolour paper
Pencil hb
Tissue paper
Glue stick
Ink pen
Craft papers
Scrap papers
Oil painting this morning. Loving it. I want to start making my new big eyed beauties with the physical paint. I have tried mainly acrylic paint for years, but have realised that oil seems to give me the process I need in order to create my physical paint art. Look forward to some new work. Have a fun day. 🙂
Hi everyone, I have to begin with an apology because I have neglected my website of late, due to my time creating. I intend to change that. I am currently writing out a schedule to keep me right.
I decided this year I would focus mainly in physical painting more than my digital work. It has been a challenge working with my current medium. I can be impatient while waiting for paint to dry. I have been using water soluble oils. These tend to dry faster and give the layering effect I have tried to use with regards to acrylics. Technically you can layer with acrylics but I didn’t get there. I may go back as my skills improve.
This is the cute Ballerina called ‘Verity’ as suggested by a friend; I painted her today. I loved the sudden realisation I made that enable me to create her so quickly. Will be using same approach going forward.
I have other videos on my YouTube channel that show current physical paintings so check them out and subscribe too. Every little bit helps. I am having so much fun regardless.
I will ill speak to you soon. 🙂 B
1) Layered paper and first topping of acrylic
2) Second layer of acrylic findings form and structure with colours I want to use.
3) drawing in object, item or character.
4) more layers
5) basically finished. Will look back on it in a few days if more work is required. I loved doing this painting. Fun in deed. Thank you for reading it.
Hi everyone, these are some pieces I did today. They are my latest work. I am trying to get the light carefree look I get with my digital work. I also don’t want them dark in the background. They have been fun to create. The girl with the presents might be my 2013 Christmas card to everyone this year. I have decided to design one card a year that I give to everyone. They are drawn on used Christmas cards. I asked friends to give them to me instead of throwing them away. As long as they had no sentiment they wanted to keep of course.
I really want my work to be objects of beauty. My original pieces are created using recycled cardstock as a platform or canvas.
Thought process:
I love cute oddities, quirky and the surreal. I start with a pretty character and build a quirky story that leads to a surreal environment and then return to my character with fresh eyes. The process begins again, till I am happy with the result. I am always careful because I don’t like to over work the piece. Sometimes simple is the very best.
My main characters or little stars:
They are brave little ones, they are courageous, they are intelligent and nothing phases them. They are full of life and know a large part of who they are already and were they want to end up. They won’t be bullied or hemmed in. They believe in their dreams. They respect others and want others to flourish. They love their family, animals and the planets.
Why originals? Why not originals? Bookmarks weren’t always so throw away, and I have decided to take mine back to the unique status they should have. Look at my bookmarks as the adverts in between a movie if you will, they give opportunity to remind you to buy that delicious ice cream you have been dreaming of getting…
My bookmarks are pieces of original art, they can be touched, stroked, a personal treasure to each buyer. The avid book reader will enjoy them as much as their books. Each bookmark has a story or narrative running through them. They make delicious gifts for any young reader who is just starting to read. These beautiful bookmarks can also be framed, as mini originals.
Original Paintings:
These are made using recycled cardstock, they are thickened into extra layers using a technique I have created that strengthens the platform, for painting on. The layers are varnished as more paint and working is applied. The back is prepped for hanging on its own if required or it can be displayed in a frame. Some pieces require box frames.
Thank you for visiting. Stay blessed.
This a quick post, I have a cough that the whole family currently have and I really should be asleep. I am in bed typing this, so I am mostly there. This piece I did a couple of hours ago. It’s called-‘Puffin and I Go For a Swim’it is available as an A5 print from my etsy shop. If you need an A4 size that is also doable. Just contact me at my contact tab above or convo me on etsy. Nite nite. B