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[kad_youtube url=“https://youtu.be/GYczmpdgEjY” width=600 ]
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Hi everyone, I have to begin with an apology because I have neglected my website of late, due to my time creating. I intend to change that. I am currently writing out a schedule to keep me right.
I decided this year I would focus mainly in physical painting more than my digital work. It has been a challenge working with my current medium. I can be impatient while waiting for paint to dry. I have been using water soluble oils. These tend to dry faster and give the layering effect I have tried to use with regards to acrylics. Technically you can layer with acrylics but I didn’t get there. I may go back as my skills improve.
This is the cute Ballerina called ‘Verity’ as suggested by a friend; I painted her today. I loved the sudden realisation I made that enable me to create her so quickly. Will be using same approach going forward.
I have other videos on my YouTube channel that show current physical paintings so check them out and subscribe too. Every little bit helps. I am having so much fun regardless.
I will ill speak to you soon. 🙂 B
Hello on this dry Wednesday. I have had a busy day planning strategies for my Business. I think it will involve some detailed thinking. I really am blessed with how far I have been able to achieve dreams, but there is still some more dreaming left.
I have been doing my usual research looking and reading and video watching on the tube for teaching on reaching more people who would really appreciate my work. Every artist has to think of this so I don’t feel awkward talking about it. It’s all part of running the buisness.
Outside of all the above I have been sketching and painting on my iPad and pen on paper. This cat digital painting is entitled ‘Cat Balancing’. You can view the process here: Cat Balance Video
Hi everyone it’s being a while. A lot going on. Moved location, new school for son and new nursery for daughter. But always my art is sustained however small. I would say generally I am a prolific creative. There is always something cooking in my thoughts. On of my recent cutie piece of artwork are these two.
The process video is here:
A Brothers Care Video
It is inspired by observation of my 4 year old boy and 3 year old girl. It is endearing and heroic, trust is obvious and care for one another is the message of the day. Speak soon 🙂
Here is my second #Valentine #digital #painting entitled ‘Love on The Still Waters’. It will be part of my collection of thirty called #whatvalentinesdo. I also have a link video of the process on the #procreate app link here: Love on The Still Waters
New Video ‘The Gardener’
New video on Youtube.