This picture is of some of the pieces I worked on today. I also attempted cleaning up my studio. My brother brought me some extra storage unit space. I am enjoying having a space of my own in the house. Though I am still travelling around with my pens n art work.
Hope you had a lovely day today. Nite nite
Musings and current work – Beatrice Ajayi
I am really working hard to get my technique and inspirations fine tuned. I get easily distracted as to how to approach a Piece of work. I have an idea I want to do then I put a mark on the page that inspires me for something else. I am constantly asking myself why I draw or paint what I Do.
i love my abstract work and know I will never let it go, I love my figurative work also. So I am continuously trying to marry the two.
In my figurative work I want to put so much detail, and hadn’t found a way of doing it that I Enjoyed until a couple of weeks ago. Since then I have been churning, yes! Churning out the work. But I know I still have some way to go in that department.
Group photo
I am really excited about this new approach I am taking to my work. I love the process and the product. I wanted to create pieces that felt like objects, to be pretty and special. I am using some of my own recycled occasions cards I received from people. I asked friends to give me old Christmas cards or non personal cards to me. What you see below are some of the results of almost finished pieces of art. I will list them on my etsy site soon as prints.
Have an amazing day tomorrow. B
Wednesday artwork – 22/05/13 Beatrice Ajayi
Here are some pics I have been working on today. I am loving the result of this work. I have been using recycled greeting cards to paint on. I want these works to be objects to be held and appreciated by the owners before put in a frame. They are pretty just on their own.
It’s a bit dark for pic but I will take better ones soon.
Nite nite
Art Currently working on 20/05/13 – Beatrice Ajayi
New Art – Beatrice Ajayi – May 2nd 2013
Week by week Art – Beatrice Ajayi 23/04/13
Week by Week Art – Beatrice Ajayi 22/04/13

Hi everyone, hope you had a great weekend, I know I did, and am ready to continue the week on the same train. I blogged last week about my new project week by week art. So here is the first Pic of the week. This work is entitled ‘The Empress and herDaughters’ it’s a piece I drew along time ago on watercolour paper. It was black and white, but for the purpose of my week by week art, I coloured the background as a start towards finishing the piece by the end of this week.
i still doubt myself far too much when it comes to painting in colour especially my figurative work. Hope to have a progress pic tomorrow. At the end of the week I will upload it to my shop on etsy. See you soon.
New project-week by week Art
Hi everyone, it’s not been too long since my last post I hope. I really struggled with my blogs for a while. I wouldn’t blog if I thought I had nothing to say. But that hasn’t been correct on my part. I work on my art everyday, so how can there be nothing to say. In between changing diapers and feeding my little ones I am always sketching or updating my Etsy and Redbubble shops. My etsy shop provides signed art work straight from me, Prints and originals.
Anyways I digress, I decided my new project shall be creating one artwork each week specifically for my blog. Each day I will put my progress of the said art on my blog. At the end of the 5th day the original will be for sale on my etsy shop.
I will title them WeekArt1-month2013 or something like that, I may use its actual name too.
I will start that Monday 22 April 2013 so look out for that.
Here are some snap shots of stuff I have been working on.

Have a great day. B
Abstract art Journaling paintings by Beatrice Ajayi
Hi everyone, hope you had a great week. I have been working on a number of ideas recently and can’t wait to share them, the first idea is my venturing into ACEO’s with my abstract art and returning to abstract artwork for a while.
I have been trying to focus my work to a more personal level, I intend to spend even longer assessing and re-assessing each piece. I want them to be like jewels. Full of ‘yummy colours’ and also leaving me more open and vulnerable in the pieces.