Finished my latest cutie entitled ‘Floating On A Cloud’. I am off to drool on the items I can put her and her parrot friend on. Link here to see more in my Redbubble Merchandise shop.
Floating On a Cloud Merchandise
Finished my latest cutie entitled ‘Floating On A Cloud’. I am off to drool on the items I can put her and her parrot friend on. Link here to see more in my Redbubble Merchandise shop.
Floating On a Cloud Merchandise
A lot of different things have been going on. Ideas and juices have been flowing, and I am in that place of realising I can’t do it all. So as always I have to take a step back and asses what can be done and flow with it.
Last weekend I took in my ten pieces for the ‘Postcard’ exhibition at The Line Gallery in Linlithgow, west lothian, Scotland, in the town I grew up. The owners Gail and Elisabet have always been gracious to me, since my first time stumbling into their gallery many many years ago. I always love taking part in the exhibitions they hold. The open day of the exhibit is on the 3rd of October 2015, from 2pm to approx 4.30pm.
I have also been looking into creating some Christmas Greeting cards. I am trying to contain it to ten images. Still not sure how many i will print as cards yet, but I have 8 so far. You can find them attached to this post.
My Shop has a lot of new cutie pies too, I am always on the go. I enjoy being able to be creative and my little son and daughter really add to the inspirations.
Have a gorgeous Sunday. B
Hello on this dry Wednesday. I have had a busy day planning strategies for my Business. I think it will involve some detailed thinking. I really am blessed with how far I have been able to achieve dreams, but there is still some more dreaming left.
I have been doing my usual research looking and reading and video watching on the tube for teaching on reaching more people who would really appreciate my work. Every artist has to think of this so I don’t feel awkward talking about it. It’s all part of running the buisness.
Outside of all the above I have been sketching and painting on my iPad and pen on paper. This cat digital painting is entitled ‘Cat Balancing’. You can view the process here: Cat Balance Video
Morning folks, hope you are doing well, if not I am thinking if you. I have been flowing in and out of different self-led and self imposed projects. I think of a theme I have wanted to do for ages, and then do a series or collection to kick it out of my system. Not through loathing but to get a very much needed fix on cuteness of that particular kind. One of these much needed fixes have been cats.
The process video is here:
preening cat Video
This kitty is called the ‘preening Cat’. It is one of my favourite so far from my cat series. I have noticed that some subjects within my work have been set aside to some extent in my mind, and I have come to realise that probably subconsciously I have not felt I had the ingredient in my process to create them in the way I viewed them mentally. Let’s just say cats I had produced in my past were of different substance and message and style. I love this current experience in making these exciting characters and have more to come.
Hi everyone it’s being a while. A lot going on. Moved location, new school for son and new nursery for daughter. But always my art is sustained however small. I would say generally I am a prolific creative. There is always something cooking in my thoughts. On of my recent cutie piece of artwork are these two.
The process video is here:
A Brothers Care Video
It is inspired by observation of my 4 year old boy and 3 year old girl. It is endearing and heroic, trust is obvious and care for one another is the message of the day. Speak soon 🙂
Evening. About to close my eyes for the day. Sharing the first if my #Travellers series digital painting entitled ‘The Caravan’ I love the sky. It was a lot of fun creating this piece. 🙂 nite nite
p.s. Link here to see digital art process: The Caravan Timelapse Video
Here is my second #Valentine #digital #painting entitled ‘Love on The Still Waters’. It will be part of my collection of thirty called #whatvalentinesdo. I also have a link video of the process on the #procreate app link here: Love on The Still Waters
Hi, hope your day has been safe and well. Thinking of those based in Paris at this time.
I wanted to thank everyone who has been buying my art for little ones and my online classes for themselves or friends. I am very grateful for you appreciation and support. My heart is always open to you, we are together in this journey.
I also want to mention a wee ebook I created last year (2014) Always awesome to have on the road for that princess that can’t settle down. **Link here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Alice-Chair-Childrens-short-story-ebook/dp/B00J5J9SBO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1420827972&sr=8-1&keywords=Alice+and+the+chair+Beatrice+ajayi
Spk soon. 🙂
Hi everyone hope your day has been wonderful. I realised recently after looking around in posts and ads on TVs that Valentines day is coming. I decided to try and do a collection of 30 images for greeting cards. Let’s hope I can print them on time. To post off to individuals who want them. Here is my first I am working on, entitled ‘Sail Away With Me’. Spk soon. 🙂