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This is one of my gallery graphics. It is an idea for a make up advert. It was originally handrawn. I then scanned and coloured it digitally.Author: Beatrice Ajayi
Emperor Hoshi and Empress Mui
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Emperor Hoshi and Empress Mui has been added to the gallery today including a couple of others, take a look to find out what new characters have arrived.Hybrid Collection
These three guys are part of my ‘Hybrid Collection’ I am working on some more. I post a reminder about them here on my blog when ever I add them to the Gallery collection. Just click on each image to see the larger size of them. The names of each image top to bottom is ‘Leporidae Elapids’, ‘Antler Turtle’ or tortimoose as a fan of his called him and ‘Hairy Nosed Seahorse’ Take Care
Catch up
Hello all, since my last post of the floating worlds alot has happened, both ‘Crocs ribbon’ and ‘The Slippery Twins’ are part of an exhibition in the Line Gallery, Linlithgow, Scotland.
I have been working on some more colour pieces. It has been exciting using ink pens with other colours and not just black. I just want to highlight my t-shirts are still available at redbubble and zazzle. So link each them site from the home page.
I will hopefully add some more images soon.
Take care
Floating World Series
New Tie Design
The Gardener – illustration in process
New Video ‘The Gardener’
I have been inspired to write short lines of poetry recently inspired by different things. Below is one inspired by art work I saw called ‘A Cold Seat’
I have walked afar and rest is needed,
A cold seat i find no warmth required,
So I sit and sit and the cold sips in,
Alas stand I must,
The cold sit isnt were my rest is found,
But standing again reminds me of the pain,
For I have walked afar and rest is needed,
A cold seat I have found is rest for a moment,
Keds Shoes ‘Bubbles’
These are my latest design of ‘Keds’ shoes. You can find them at my zazzle store. Just click on there link here.