Hi everyone, it has been a while since I posted anything on my site. I have recently added my shop at zazzle to the site. You can find my latest addition of the slippery twins.
Author: Beatrice Ajayi
Staying out of the Rain
Hi everyone, it has been a while since I last posted something on my blog. I have been busy trying out new approaches to my work. I am continuosly experimenting. I have put one of my latest creations in to the gallery. It is called ‘Staying out of the Rain’ and can be found in the Colour gallery. It can also be found on my redbubble site, where you can buy a print only or framed print. I hope to put alot new images into the gallery soon, so watch this space:)
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I have been working on some new ideas for paintings recently. I am still trying to get my black and white drawings into coloured paintings. I have done a variation of these little characters, I like the ideas I am coming up with. There are so many ways to approach this style. I will have to keep going till I find one I am happy with. This image is of a very delicate Empress. She is done in water colour and pencil. She has a bird house inside her hair. It looks warm and cosy. I wonder if the bird minds been evicted each time she has to take it down for bed, she can’t sleep like that surely!:)Sakura
I just remembered I didn’t mention the Christmas holiday giveaway price I won from the artist Mehgan Trice. I got the lovely print of ‘Sakura’. You can see her pull my name out along someone else here
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I recently put these two pieces in the Line Gallery exhibition for March 2010. This is just to say they have been sold. The same lady bought both of them. So ‘Slippery Twins’ and ‘Crocs New Ribbon’ have found a new home.Hoodies
Mysterious Ant
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Mysterious Ant is my image of the day. He is a shoveller. If you take a look at his feet you can see how large they are. I would say this little guy would be the hero of the story. He looks like a cute but determined character. I like the blue halo around him it adds to the mystery. The purple atmosphere seems to dangerous some how. Like it is closing in on the ant. It was drawn with pen first then digitally coloured using the airbrush effect.Digital Paintings
The Grape Vine
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Hi folks, this is an image I drew a while ago. It has now been added to my stockillustrations.com category of work. Just follow the link on the home page to view them. It was originally drawn in pen and then digitally coloured after scanning. Hope you had a great weekend. B
Art Monday-Heart Tree
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The Art for this Monday is called the Heart Tree. It is a colour version of my black and white illustration. I might try some more colour variations of this in the future. Happy Art Monday!!