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Beatrice Ajayi – Redbubble Print

Hi folks, I have uploaded my latest print on redbubble. You can find it here –
It is called Peeka Boo Empress. She has a rather extravagant hairdo.

I am having fun using my digital colouring software.
All prints make amazingly unique and Original gifts. I intend to order some prints from a giclee printer in Edinburgh soon, and may give some away.

Well I am off to do some more creating.

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Blackberry Phone, Blog and Artist Beatrice Ajayi

Hi everyone, I am so excited because this is my first Blackberry phone Blog. So hopefully I will be writing a little bit more than before. I just have to figure out how to add my pictures, mmmmh!

I have been working on a series of new works recently entitled ‘The Gypsy Series’. Check out my Shop for details. I intend to upload to the website as soon as I complete their calender collection.

Also check out my Zazzle, I have lots of goodies for sale, especially my Necklaces, Iphone cases and cute mugs. They would all make amazing gifts. Cheery Bye 🙂

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Artist of the Week – Aubrey Beardsley versus Beatrice Ajayi

Hi everyone my famous line, ‘its been a while’ is used once again. I decided to get back to my artist of the week segment. This sunny week in april i am looking at Aubrey Beardsley. I have lost count of the amount of people who have said my work reminds them of his work. So I made an effort to looking at some of his work.

We do have similarities, our subject is the female form, we both have alot of Black and White images, and we love to use ink, be it pen or printing techniques.

We both have a narrative within our images – in this area is were we diverge strongly. Beardsleys content have been recognised as being quite erotic. I aim to look for an innocence in my subjects. Even though my Empresses are sometimes adults, their focus is on the wisdoms they can gain to govern their countries well. So since being aware of Beardsley it has been with a pinch of salt that I take our comparism.

It gives me great comfort when someone actually asks me what my work is about and doesnt just base it on the visual connections of other artists.

Regardless of my rantings Beardsley’s skill as an artist, illustrator and storyteller are undeniable. To read of artists that made an income in the medium of ink in his days and compare with our modern times is intriging. Alot of viewers of my work always wish i worked in colour. Appreciation of my medium is not that great, which is amazing considering they usually like my work.

Beardsley likes his silhouette and dark backgrounds, which I tend to stay away from. I use the patterns and detail on my images to to show a richness possibly missing in not applying colour. My patterns are the colour.

Check out the link above in bold of Beardlsey’s name to look at his work. See if his or my work share similarities in your mind.

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Artist of the week – Krista Hout

Hello everyone this my artist of the week segment. She is called Krista Hout. You can link to her sight here. Krista creates cute characters, mainly women. You find them in colourful dreamlike worlds. They have regal faces surrounded by long flowing lucious hair, and with their expressive eyes they tell their story. Enjoy her site when you get a chance. 🙂

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Illustration Mundo – Beatice Ajayi

Hiya, I have my Tree Hug image linked to the site as my advertising logo. Illustrationmundo is a place online for Illustrators to advertise their work and website. You are also linked to a large worldwide illustrator community, its great. I love finding outlets like this.

You can temporarily find me on this page here.

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Artist of the Week – Stella Im Hultberg

Hi folks, it has been a while since I did my artist of the week segment, so here it is, Stella Im Hultberg is based in Brooklyn New York. She uses Oils and pens amongst some other mediums. I love her sketch books, it just takes me back to my uni days. I do do sketches but I haven’t been limiting them to specific sketch books, though looking at her books is tempting to try it again. She puts alot of sweat into her pieces, as can be seen while looking at her progress pieces. My main appeal of her work is her style. Through her figurative work she introduces a rich mix of colours. Never having seen her work in real life, my feeling is that the characters would shimmer of the canvas or wood, inviting you to enter their world. Have a look at her site for more insight to her work at