Video Timelapse
Hi everyone, I have to begin with an apology because I have neglected my website of late, due to my time creating. I intend to change that. I am currently writing out a schedule to keep me right.
I decided this year I would focus mainly in physical painting more than my digital work. It has been a challenge working with my current medium. I can be impatient while waiting for paint to dry. I have been using water soluble oils. These tend to dry faster and give the layering effect I have tried to use with regards to acrylics. Technically you can layer with acrylics but I didn’t get there. I may go back as my skills improve.
This is the cute Ballerina called ‘Verity’ as suggested by a friend; I painted her today. I loved the sudden realisation I made that enable me to create her so quickly. Will be using same approach going forward.
I have other videos on my YouTube channel that show current physical paintings so check them out and subscribe too. Every little bit helps. I am having so much fun regardless.
I will ill speak to you soon. 🙂 B